Webinar: Preparing for Your First Plan Audit - Mar 28, 2024 10:00 AM Pacific

How To Know If Your Plan Needs An Audit

Navigating the intricacies of employee benefit plans can be a daunting task for any company, especially when it comes to understanding whether an audit is necessary. To shed light on this crucial aspect, we’ve compiled essential information to help you determine if your plan requires an audit. Participant Number Once your plan reaches 100 participants, […]

DOL Releases 2023 Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Study: Quantity = Quality 

The selection of a qualified plan auditor is a key fiduciary responsibility for plan administrators. A thorough audit performed by experienced plan auditors will not only assist with plan compliance but can also provide value added operational feedback on plan operations.  In its latest audit quality study released in November 2023, the Department of Labor […]


Welcome to the new website for Pension Assurance LLP, your dedicated retirement plan audit specialist. Take a few minutes to explore the new content for a description of our services and the value we can provide you in managing your retirement plan. Big thanks to our web designers Big Presence, recommended for any growth-stage enterprise seeking […]

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